Home Care After Hospital Discharge
Getting your parent or spouse home from a Hospital or Rehab facility and into home care.
One of the most common reasons for getting home care in place is when a parent or spouse has been hospitalized and they want to get home. This can be stressful and overwhelming because you have to balance the desire to get back to the comfort of home with safety and security.
The hospital or Rehab discharge planner may suggest or even require that you have home care support in place before they can advise discharge. They may also provide you with a long list of Home Care Agencies for you to call. The idea being, “get caregivers in place and then you can get home.”
While this process is not uncommon, there are a lot of important details to consider. Why are they important? Because they can mean the difference between:
A managed and successful transition back home on a path towards stabilized support and peace of mind
Further chaos and frustration leading towards an extended period of further frustration and anxiety
Broad Street has Care Managers standing by to answer your questions about home care after hospital discharge. Call us now on (312) 767-0040.

What’s the Process for Home Care After Hospital Discharge?
1. Getting the Right Resources in Place
While this might seem obvious, it’s more than just getting caregivers, it’s about creating a path towards a stabilized solution.
Many home care agencies operate under a “first come, first serve” model. It can be fast, but If those resources are not qualified or unprepared, you may quickly find that having resources in place was an illusion. Now you are home, but that support is gone, and you are worse off than before.
2. Moving Quickly but with Purpose
With upfront planning and organization, you can be more efficient but also more effective. The key is identifying and then focusing on the Prioritized Needs. What is most important. From there, the search for resources can be more targeted, and ultimately more efficient.
3. Teamwork and Communication
By working together and bridging the gap between the Physicians and Discharge planners, you can gather the information to prepare everyone involved, and particularly the Care Professionals. Then, as resources are being approached, it is important to quickly relay information and secure those resources.
4. Following Through
It doesn’t end with Staffing. It’s just getting started. The secret to success is a continued effort of adjusting and adapting as you work to get a stabilized solution in place.
Broad Street is here to help manage your hospital discharge transition into home care. Call us today to learn more on
(312) 767-0040.
Our Home Care Service Model Improves Outcomes
Our Care Managers have backgrounds in Nursing, they have experience in the clinical environment but also understand how support is delivered in the Home.
Care Managers can help guide families through the process They can communicate directly with Physicians, other Nurses and Discharge planners to quickly assess the situation and identify the support that is needed.
They will also help identify the key requirements for care professionals that will allow for a more effective search for care resources
Broad Street’s approach to getting the right home care resources in place is strategic.
By prioritizing the most important needs, and then coordinating through a number of different approaches simultaneously, we can achieve not only better results but faster.
Care Managers stay involved. There is always a learning and adjustment process, potentially including multiple resources. Care Managers help manage this transition, staying coordinated with the HR department and creating consistency on your path towards a more stabilized solution.
We keep working until we reach the right solution for you, and then we remain proactive to adjust to your changing needs
We view Home Care as an ongoing customized service and a relationship, not as a product that is simply ordered and delivered.
We can adapt our role depending on your needs and preferences. Ultimately, it is about our Clients’ personal journey, we are here to help you navigate that journey and provide you with the support you need.

Here is how to get started
Broad Street has care managers available to speak with you about your specific requirements. We can start to build your care plan and start the process for your return to home today.
Please consider the questions below and fill out the form - Broad Street will contact you directly. Or, if you need to get started right away, call us at (312) 767-0040.
If you would like to work with Broad Street, please visit our Careers page.
Questions You Should Ask a Home Care Agency about Hospital Discharge
People that are going to put together a plan, introduce your care professional or Nurse and then work with you to make any adjustments.
Background checks, and regulatory required training are important but those are standard prerequisites. How are they going to specifically choose the right resources for you?
Listen for services that go beyond just administrative as compared to being purely passive. The reality is that most agencies are just staffing agencies. Yes, they may handle the taxes and other official “employer” requirements, but in the end, they are simply placing the caregivers and then the agency’s job is done. Until you call them for another caregiver.