Optimizing Your Visit to the Doctor

As your doctor gives you information about your health, it’s a good idea to make sure that you understand it and that you will be able to remember it.

Home Care that Works With Your Doctor

Ask for clarification

Always ask your doctor about anything he or she says that seems unclear. You might say, “I want to make sure I understand. Could you explain a little more?” or “I didn’t understand that word. What does it mean?” You may also find it helpful to repeat back to your doctor what he or she says using your own words and ask, “Is this correct?”

Take notes

Taking notes during your doctor visit can help you remember what you and your doctor talk about. Take along a notepad and pen or pencil, and write down your doctor’s main points or ask your doctor to write them down for you. If you cannot write while the doctor is talking to you, make notes in the waiting room after your visit. Or, bring an audio recorder along, and (with the doctor’s permission) record what is said. Recording is especially helpful if you want to share the details of the visit with others.

Request written or recorded materials

Ask if your doctor has any brochures, DVDs, CDs, cassettes, or videotapes about your health conditions or treatments. For example, if your doctor says that your blood pressure is high, he or she may give you brochures explaining what causes high blood pressure and what you can do about it. Ask the doctor to recommend other sources, such as websites, public libraries, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies that may have written or recorded information you can use.

Speak with other members of the health care team

Sometimes the doctor may want you to talk with other health professionals who can help you understand and carry out the decisions about how to manage your condition. Nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, and occupational or physical therapists may be able to take more time with you than the doctor.

Call or email the doctor

If you are uncertain about the doctor’s instructions after you get home, call the office. A nurse or other staff member can check with the doctor and call you back. You could ask whether the doctor, or other health professional you have talked to, has an email address you can use to send questions.

Better yet, bring someone you trust to important appointments with you. Smartphones can be great for recording conversations easily (with capability to email that audio to others if needed) and most doctors are more than happy to accommodate your request for documentation.

Broad Street can help

Our professional network includes Nurse Advocates who specialize in providing support to clients who need assistance navigating the healthcare system. For more information call us at 847-728-0134.




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