
Our feet are the underdog of our physical history; they have carried us for years. We tend to forget how much they have worked for us and as we age, we need to give them a bit more love and appreciation.

Wearing comfortable shoes that fit well can prevent many foot problems. Here are some tips for making sure your shoes fit:

  • Shoe size may change as you age, so always have your feet measured before buying shoes. The best time to measure your feet is at the end of the day when your feet are largest.

  • Most of us have one foot that is larger than the other. Make sure your shoes fit your larger foot.

  • Don’t buy shoes without trying them on first. Shoe sizes can vary depending on the kind, make, and style. For example, the size you wear for sneakers may not be the same size you need for dress shoes.

  • Walk in the shoes to make sure they feel right. The heel of the shoe should not slide up and down when you walk.

  • Choose a shoe that is shaped like your foot. Styles with high heels or pointed toes can hurt your feet.

Remember to put your feet up when you are sitting down. This helps the circulation in your feet. So can stretching, walking, or having a gentle foot massage. A warm foot bath is also helpful. Make sure your feet are dry before you put on your shoes. Wear shoes when you’re outside. If you are sitting for a long time, stand up and move around every now and then. If you cross your legs, reverse or uncross them often.

Both diabetes and peripheral artery disease can cause poor blood flow to the feet, which can cause scrapes or bruises to become infected more easily.

To prevent infections

  • Keep your feet clean and dry. Be sure to dry the area between your toes.

  • Change your shoes and socks or stockings often to help keep your feet dry.

  • Don’t buy tight shoes.

  • Try dusting your feet every day with talc-free foot powder.

Make sure you trim your toenails regularly so that rough nails don’t produce cuts or turn into ingrown nails. Check your feet often for wear and tear. For more pronounced conditions make sure you have a good podiatrist on your list of healthcare providers and address any issues before they lead to further conditions.

Broad Street can help. Our Personal Assistants and Professional Network can help you keep your feet in the shape they need to be to continue to support an active lifestyle. For more information call us at 847.728.0134.



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